Friday, February 5, 2010


I am reminded this morning that God is in control, and we are not. A friend is suffering deeply and my heart is heavy with grief for her loss. I have several friends who are weathering storms right now. I feel myself called to their side for whatever it is I can do to be a friend. Sometimes it is the support a phone call or even a quick text can give. Other times it is only through praying for one another. I fell to my knees this morning and prayed for my friend. I have been on the other side of those essential life giving prayers so many times, that I know their power! I've experienced the power of prayer personally.

Sometimes I find myself akward when feeling the inevitable nudge the Lord is giving me to pray for a friend in need. Maybe they don't believe, maybe they aren't followers, maybe I won't find the right words, maybe I'll sound dumb, maybe I'll make it worse by making them way too uncomfortable, maybe they'll think I'm weird...MAYBE I should just be obedient and let God be God and do what He does best, give mercy and grace to those in need! I prayed over a friend the other day and much to my surprise the words flowed from me, they weren't my own. I was able to lift her up at a very crucial time when she needed God's presence. It wasn't about me helping her, it was about inviting the Holy Spirit into her situation. I was simply driving down the road on with my friend on speaker phone. The Lord was nudging me harder than I could bear to ignore. Hallelujah, I was obedient and He was with her.

I find that when I am walking by faith, my life is often a mess and difficult in ways that I hadn't imagined possible. Yet, I am not walking alone. I am walking very aware of who is right beside me. I don't ever want to walk any other path. I've been down both, and I will walk through any fire, blind with only faith, so long as He is by my side. I pray that my friends in need, my friends who waiver on the fence, are encouraged with the presence of their Heavenly Father who promises to never foresake them! These are beautiful, intelligent, loving young women, who may not know the Lord yet. Instead of being leary of what they may think, I will be obedient to what I know. That there is a grace filled God who loves them and wants to help them in ways that I cannot. God is love and God is just.

I want to encourage us to be friends to one another. Whether it is praying over each other, or a silent prayer behind a closed door that they never know about. I encourage you to pray for each other diligently, it is the best gift you can offer your loved ones. At the cross He beckons us, draws us gently to our knees, lost for words, lost in love, sweety broken...holy surrender.

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:13

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